Live Classes
Class Schedule 2022
Kettlebells @ Douglass Playground 10:00AM PST ​
Outdoor Kettlebell Class, no experience necessary!
I will show you the fundamentals of Kettlebell training. How to use them safely to get stronger leaner and better conditioned. As you progress in skill and strength we can introduce new movements or heavier bells. If are injured or recovering from an injury fear not, I have plenty of modifications and regressions. (Just as I have progressions for the athletic freaks)
I will follow CDC guidelines for outdoor exercise; meaning you must be vaccinated or tested negative for covid19.
Please bring a water bottle, yoga mat, and Kettlebell(s).
I will have some backup Kettlebells for those who don't have their own.
Douglass Playground
26th Street and Douglass
Noe Valley
San Francisco CA
(Basketball Courts if space OR grass field behind the green structure.)
50 Minute Strength + Conditioning Workout
PLEASE RSVP BY in the contact tab or via any form of DM
Venmo $20 to hansmeyer644